WC-WAVE Virtual Watershed Platform Software Components

Web Version: https://virtualwatershed.github.io/vwp-project-info/

The Virtual Watershed Platform developed as part of the NSF Funded Western Consortium Watershed Analysis, Visualization and Exploration (WC-WAVE) project and included multiple software components that were integrated (Figure 1) through a common data management hub based on the Geographic Storage, Transformation and Retrieval Engine (GSToRE).

Figure 1. Virtual Watershed Platform architectural diagram with repository labels superimposed on the separate platform software components.
Figure 1. Virtual Watershed Platform architectural diagram with repository labels superimposed on the separate platform software components.

The developed software components include:

Additional software utilities that were developed by the project include:

This material is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation’s Established Program to Stimulate Competitive Research (EPSCoR) under grant numbers IIA-1329469, IIA-1329513, IIA-1301346, 0814449, 0918635, and IIA-1329470. Additional support for the development of the GSToRE platform upon which the VWP is based has been provided by the New Mexico Resource Geographic Information System (NM RGIS - http://rgis.unm.edu) program and NASA’s ACCESS program (award NNX12AF52A). Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation, NM RGIS, or NASA.