Install Instructions

You will need to install HDF5 libraries v1.8.16 and the NetCDF libraries v4.3.3.1. On OS X for example, this can be done using Homebrew. On Linux, use your package manager, making sure to install the version that includes required libraries. On Debian/Ubuntu’s apt-get this is done by appending the dev tag in the proper way. Refer to the online documentation for your package management tool to learn how to install a specific software version. To install the cord package on OS X you may need to set some environment variables by running the following commands. You’ll know you have to run these if the installation steps below fail.

export HDF5_INCDIR=/usr/local/include/

Once you have these two dependencies installed, you can install the package by running

pip install cord

You can verify that the installation completed successfully by running


which should print the following help message


      --logfile TEXT
      --help          Show this message and exit.

      from_config  Run CoRD with params from <config_file>
      interactive  Run CoRD interactively or with options
      post_hs      Post the model run data to HydroShare

Install with Anaconda

On CARC we have used Anaconda to allow individual users to install the proper version of the dependencies which may differ from the version that is installed for all system users. Please contact your administrator to help you install the requirements that are listed in the requirements.txt file of the repository. After the requirements have been installed and you have activated your conda environment appropriately, you can run pip install cord as explained above.