API Reference

This API reference is mostly for developers, though regular users might also be able to use the following functions in their own scripts and other software.


Functions to calculate the downstream water surface elevation by minimizing the difference between flows calculated via the Manning Formula for discharge and the historical peak flood values.

(https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Manning_formula) (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Volumetric_flow_rate)

Matthew A. Turner <maturner01@gmail.com>
19 April 2016
class cord.modelrun.BoundarySolutionInfo(ws_elev, streamflow, error, success)

Alias for field number 2


Alias for field number 1


Alias for field number 3


Alias for field number 0

class cord.modelrun.ModelRun[source]

A single coupled run. First DFLOW then RipCAS. CoupledRunSequence will encapsulate a series of coupled runs commencing with preparation of the initial vegetation map for DFLOW. For now, assume that the vegetation map is provided to the run_dflow method.

calculate_bc(target_streamflow, dbc_geometry_file, streambed_roughness, slope)[source]
target_streamflow (float): historical or other streamflow that
will be used to drive DFLOW model; this calculation recovers an estimate for the Water Surface elevation (WS) for this given streamflow.
dbc_geometry_file (str): path to the stream’s cross-sectional
geometry xyz file

streambed_roughness (float): Manning’s n-value for the streambed slope (float): slope taken for the reach

(BoundaryCondition, BoundaryCondition): tuple of upstream and
downstream BoundaryCondition instances
run_dflow(dflow_run_directory, vegetation_map, veg_roughness_shearres_lookup, streambed_roughness, clobber=True, pbs_script_name='dflow_mpi.pbs', dflow_run_fun=None)[source]

Both input and output dflow files will go into the dflow_run_directory, but in input/ and output/ subdirectories.

dflow_run_directory (str): directory where DFLOW files should be
put and where the dflow_run_fun will be run from
vegetation_map (str): path to the input vegetation.pol file. This
function assumes this has already been generated in the proper format b/c this seems like the best separation of responsibilities.
clobber (bool): whether or not to overwrite dflow_run_directory if
it exists

pbs_script_name (str): name of .pbs script w/o directory dflow_run_fun (function): argument-free function to run DFLOW.

Ex. dflow_run_fun=f where f defined by def f: subprocess.call([‘qsub’, ‘dflow_mpi.pbs’])
class cord.modelrun.StreamflowTuple(ws_elev, streamflow)

Alias for field number 1


Alias for field number 0

cord.modelrun.modelrun_series(data_dir, initial_vegetation_map, vegzone_map, veg_roughness_shearres_lookup, peak_flows_file, geometry_file, streambed_roughness, streambed_floodplain_roughness, streambed_slope, dflow_run_fun=None, log_f=None, debug=False)[source]

Run a series of flow and succession models with peak flows given in peak_flows_file.


data_dir (str): write directory for modelrun series. Must exist initial_vegetation_map (str): location of year zero veg map vegzone_map (str): vegetation zone map location veg_roughness_shearres_lookup (str): Excel spreadsheet containing

conversion from vegetation code to roughness value and vegetation code to shear stress resistance
peak_flow_file (str): location of text file record of peak flows in
cubic meters per second
geometry_file (str): location of channel geometry at the downstream
location for calculating streamflow
streambed_roughness (float): streambed roughness in channel only; used
when converting vegetation map to roughness map
streambed_floodplain_roughness (float): an average roughness of
stream channel and floodplain used in calculation of downstream boundary condition for DFLOW
streambed_slope (float): rise over run of the channel used in
calculation of downstream boundary condition for DFLOW
dflow_run_fun (function): function delegate for the user to provide a
custom way to run DFLOW. If none is given, defaults to submitting a PBS job as is done on CARC systems
log_f (str): log file. if none is given, defaults to data_dir.log
with dashes replacing slashes
debug (bool): whether or not to run in debug mode. If running in debug
mode, each DFLOW run returns fake data and each RipCAS run takes cord/data/shear_out.asc as input


Utilities for interacting with dflow and ripcas models

Matthew A. Turner <maturner01@gmail.com>
9 May 2016
class cord.ripcas_dflow.Pol[source]

Wrapper creating and/or reading the .pol files of n-values for DFLOW

classmethod from_ascii(asc)[source]

Generate a polygon file from ESRIAsc


write the Pol to file

Returns: None

cord.ripcas_dflow.ripcas(vegetation_map, zone_map, shear_map, ripcas_required_data)[source]

Simple version of the CASiMiR model for vegetation succession. Before the model is run, we check that all the unique values from vegetation_map are present in the shear_resistance_dict. Otherwise the process will fail wherever the vegetation map value is not present in the dictionary on lookup.

vegetation_map (str or ESRIAsc): location on disk or ESRIAsc
representation of the vegetation map
zone_map (str or ESRIAsc): location on disk or ESRIAsc representation
of the zone map.
shear_map (str or ESRIAsc): location on disk or ESRIAsc representation
of the shear stress map
ripcas_required_data (str): Excel spreadsheet of data needed for
ripcas run. Encompasses the landscape model for the watershed. Can have one or two ‘Code’ columns and must have exactly one ‘shear_resis’ column and exactly one ‘n_val’ column
(ESRIAsc) vegetation map updated with new values corresponding to
succession rules
cord.ripcas_dflow.ripcas_with_dflow_io(vegetation_map, zone_map, streambed_roughness, shear_nc_path, ripcas_required_data)[source]

Wrapper for using DFLOW input/output with ripcas. Note instead of shear_map we have shear_nc_path. Use shear_mesh_to_asc to convert the shear_mesh that comes from D-FLOW to a shear_map for input to ripcas. When ripcas finishes its vegetation updates, convert the updated vegetation map to a Manning n-value map for use by DFLOW. See the ripcas function below for more details on the model and arguments.

vegetation_map (ESRIAsc): location on disk or ESRIAsc
representation of the vegetation map
zone_map (ESRIAsc): location on disk or ESRIAsc representation
of the zone map.

shear_nc_path (str): location on disk of DFLOW shear output netCDF ripcas_required_data (str): Excel spreadsheet of data needed for

ripcas run. Encompasses the landscape model for the watershed. Can have one or two ‘Code’ columns and must have exactly one ‘shear_resis’ column and exactly one ‘n_val’ column
(Pol): polygon representation of the map of nvalues
cord.ripcas_dflow.shear_mesh_to_asc(shear_nc_path, header_dict)[source]

Extract flow element values and locations from the dflow output netcdf and project these onto the grid defined by the corner of the grid defined by the lower-left corner of the bounding box and the cell size. The results are saved in ESRI .asc format to asc_out_path.


shear_nc_path (str): location of the dflow netcdf on disk header_dict (dict): dictionary with six fields as required to build

ESRIAsc; NODATA_value, cellsize, ncols, nrows, yllcorner, xllcorner
(ESRIAsc) representation of gridded representation of the mesh shear
stress data output from dflow
cord.ripcas_dflow.veg2n(veg_map, ripcas_required_data, streambed_roughness)[source]

Creat an ESRIAsc representation of an ESRI .asc file that contains roughness values substituted for vegetation codes. The translation is found in the Excel file found at lookup_path.


veg_map (ESRIAsc): path to ESRI .asc file with vegetation codes ripcas_required_data (str): path to Excel file with vegetation

codes mapped to Manning’s roughness n-values. The Excel file must have four columns with headers

Code shear_resis Code n_val

on the first sheet.

streambed_roughness (float): Manning’s roughness value for the
streambed itself, which is represented with zeros in the veg map
(ValueError) if there is a vegetation code in the .asc that is not
found in the lookup table
(ESRIAsc) ESRI .asc map of Manning’s n-values in place of veg codes