Source code for cord.modelrun

Functions to calculate the downstream water surface elevation by minimizing the
difference between flows calculated via the Manning Formula for discharge and
the historical peak flood values.


    Matthew A. Turner <>
    19 April 2016
import numpy as np
import os
import shutil
import subprocess
import time

from collections import namedtuple
from scipy.optimize import minimize_scalar

from ripcas_dflow import ESRIAsc, Pol, ripcas, shear_mesh_to_asc, veg2n

[docs]class ModelRun(object): """ A single coupled run. First DFLOW then RipCAS. CoupledRunSequence will encapsulate a series of coupled runs commencing with preparation of the initial vegetation map for DFLOW. For now, assume that the vegetation map is provided to the run_dflow method. """ def __init__(self): # , vegetation_ascii_path): # have the boundary conditions been found? self.bc_converged = False # has ripcas been run yet? self.vegetation_ascii = None self.ripcas_has_run = False self.ripcas_directory = None self.dflow_has_run = False self.dflow_run_directory = None self.dflow_shear_output = None self.upstream_bc = BoundaryCondition() self.downstream_bc = BoundaryCondition() self.bc_solution_info = BoundarySolutionInfo()
[docs] def calculate_bc(self, target_streamflow, dbc_geometry_file, streambed_roughness, slope): """ Arguments: target_streamflow (float): historical or other streamflow that will be used to drive DFLOW model; this calculation recovers an estimate for the Water Surface elevation (WS) for this given streamflow. dbc_geometry_file (str): path to the stream's cross-sectional geometry xyz file streambed_roughness (float): Manning's n-value for the streambed slope (float): slope taken for the reach Returns: (BoundaryCondition, BoundaryCondition): tuple of upstream and downstream BoundaryCondition instances """ dbc_geometry = Pol.from_river_geometry_file(dbc_geometry_file) bc_solver = BoundaryConditionSolver( target_streamflow, dbc_geometry, streambed_roughness, slope ) bc_solution = bc_solver.solve() self.bc_solution_info = bc_solution self.bc_converged = bc_solution.success self.downstream_bc.amplitude = bc_solution.ws_elev self.upstream_bc.amplitude = bc_solution.streamflow return (self.upstream_bc, self.downstream_bc)
[docs] def run_dflow(self, dflow_run_directory, vegetation_map, veg_roughness_shearres_lookup, streambed_roughness, clobber=True, pbs_script_name='dflow_mpi.pbs', dflow_run_fun=None): """ Both input and output dflow files will go into the dflow_run_directory, but in input/ and output/ subdirectories. Arguments: dflow_run_directory (str): directory where DFLOW files should be put and where the dflow_run_fun will be run from vegetation_map (str): path to the input vegetation.pol file. This function assumes this has already been generated in the proper format b/c this seems like the best separation of responsibilities. clobber (bool): whether or not to overwrite dflow_run_directory if it exists pbs_script_name (str): name of .pbs script w/o directory dflow_run_fun (function): argument-free function to run DFLOW. Ex. `dflow_run_fun=f` where `f` defined by `def f:['qsub', 'dflow_mpi.pbs'])` Returns: None """ if not self.bc_converged: raise RuntimeError( 'Boundary conditions must be calculated before ' + 'DFLOW can be run' ) if self.dflow_has_run: raise RuntimeError( 'DFLOW has already been run for this CoupledRun' ) if os.path.exists(dflow_run_directory): if not clobber: raise RuntimeError( 'DFLOW has already been run for this CoupledRun' ) shutil.rmtree(dflow_run_directory) self.dflow_run_directory = dflow_run_directory os.mkdir(dflow_run_directory) # write boundary conditions to file bc_up_path = os.path.join(dflow_run_directory, 'boundriver_up_0001.cmp') bc_down_path = os.path.join(dflow_run_directory, 'boundriverdown_0001.cmp') self.upstream_bc.write(bc_up_path) self.downstream_bc.write(bc_down_path) self.vegetation_ascii = ESRIAsc(vegetation_map) veg_path = os.path.join(dflow_run_directory, 'n.pol') Pol.from_ascii( veg2n(self.vegetation_ascii, veg_roughness_shearres_lookup, streambed_roughness) ).write(veg_path) oj = os.path.join pbs_path = oj(dflow_run_directory, pbs_script_name) mdu_path = oj(dflow_run_directory, 'base.mdu') net_path = oj(dflow_run_directory, '') ext_path = oj(dflow_run_directory, 'base.ext') brd_path = oj(dflow_run_directory, 'boundriverdown.pli') bru_path = oj(dflow_run_directory, 'boundriver_up.pli') self.dflow_shear_output =\ os.path.join(dflow_run_directory, 'DFM_OUTPUT_base', '') with open(pbs_path, 'w') as f: p = _join_data_dir(oj('dflow_inputs', 'dflow_mpi.pbs')) s = open(p, 'r').read() f.write(s) with open(mdu_path, 'w') as f: p = _join_data_dir(oj('dflow_inputs', 'base.mdu')) s = open(p, 'r').read() f.write(s) with open(net_path, 'w') as f: p = _join_data_dir(oj('dflow_inputs', '')) s = open(p, 'r').read() f.write(s) with open(ext_path, 'w') as f: p = _join_data_dir(oj('dflow_inputs', 'base.ext')) s = open(p, 'r').read() f.write(s) with open(brd_path, 'w') as f: p = _join_data_dir(oj('dflow_inputs', 'boundriverdown.pli')) s = open(p, 'r').read() f.write(s) with open(bru_path, 'w') as f: p = _join_data_dir(oj('dflow_inputs', 'boundriver_up.pli')) s = open(p, 'r').read() f.write(s) bkdir = os.getcwd() os.chdir(dflow_run_directory) if dflow_run_fun is None: print '\n*****\nDry Run of DFLOW\n*****\n' os.chdir(bkdir) example_shear_path = '' if os.path.exists(example_shear_path): os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(self.dflow_shear_output)) shutil.copyfile(example_shear_path, self.dflow_shear_output) else: print 'Get you a copy of a DFLOW output, yo! ' +\ 'Can\'t run RipCAS without it!' with open('', 'w') as f: f.write('A FAKE NETCDF!!!') self.dflow_has_run = True else: # in the case of running a process on CARC, the ret is a Popen inst ret = dflow_run_fun() os.chdir(bkdir) self.dflow_has_run = True return ret
def run_ripcas(self, zone_map_path, ripcas_required_data_path, ripcas_directory, shear_asc=None, clobber=True): if not self.dflow_has_run: raise RuntimeError( 'DFLOW must run before ripcas can be run' ) if os.path.exists(ripcas_directory): if not clobber: raise RuntimeError( 'DFLOW has already been run for this CoupledRun' ) shutil.rmtree(ripcas_directory) self.ripcas_directory = ripcas_directory os.mkdir(ripcas_directory) hdr = self.vegetation_ascii.header_dict() if shear_asc is None: shear_asc = shear_mesh_to_asc(self.dflow_shear_output, hdr) else: assert isinstance(shear_asc, ESRIAsc),\ 'shear_asc must be of type ESRIAsc if provided' shear_asc.write( os.path.join(self.dflow_run_directory, 'shear_out.asc') ) output_veg_ascii = ripcas( self.vegetation_ascii, zone_map_path, shear_asc, ripcas_required_data_path ) output_vegetation_path = os.path.join( ripcas_directory, 'vegetation.asc' ) output_veg_ascii.write(output_vegetation_path) self.ripcas_has_run = True return output_veg_ascii
BoundarySolutionInfo = namedtuple( 'BoundarySolutionInfo', ['ws_elev', 'streamflow', 'error', 'success'] ) BoundarySolutionInfo.__new__.__defaults__ = (None, None, None, None) class BoundaryConditionSolver: def __init__(self, historical_streamflow, dbc_geometry, streambed_roughness, slope): self.q_hist = historical_streamflow self.geom = dbc_geometry self.n = streambed_roughness self.slope = slope def solve(self): def _streamflow_error(ws_elev): calc =\ _calculate_streamflow(self.geom, self.n, ws_elev, self.slope) return abs(calc - self.q_hist) # generate initial guesses with wide-spaced points result = minimize_scalar(_streamflow_error, bounds=(self.geom.z.min(), self.geom.z.max()), method='bounded', options={'xatol': 1e-6, 'maxiter': 1000}) return BoundarySolutionInfo( result.x, _calculate_streamflow(self.geom, self.n, result.x, self.slope),, result.success ) StreamflowTuple = namedtuple('StreamflowTuple', ['ws_elev', 'streamflow']) def _calculate_streamflow(dbc_geometry, streambed_roughness, water_surface_elevation, slope): # have N points; get N-1 distances and # N-1 Max/Min over those distances x = dbc_geometry.x y = dbc_geometry.y z = dbc_geometry.z dx = np.diff(x) dy = np.diff(y) xydist = np.sqrt(np.square(dx) + np.square(dy)) # station = np.cumsum(xydist) zmax_by_segment = np.array( [max(z[i], z[i+1]) for i in range(len(z)-1)] ) zmin_by_segment = np.array( [min(z[i], z[i+1]) for i in range(len(z)-1)] ) # get N-1 vector taken from S = ('below', 'triangle', 'trap') # for the three possible positions of the water surface and # commensurate calculation methods for wetted perimeter ws_location = np.array( [ _get_ws_location(water_surface_elevation, _z[0], _z[1]) for _z in zip(zmax_by_segment, zmin_by_segment) ] ) # calculate the cross-sectional area of the stream # at the lower bound area_vec = np.zeros(len(ws_location)) # wetted perimeter wp_vec = np.zeros(len(ws_location)) ws_elev = water_surface_elevation for idx, loc in enumerate(ws_location): if loc == 'triangle': zmin = zmin_by_segment[idx] zmax = zmax_by_segment[idx] xy = xydist[idx] # calculate area area_vec[idx] = 0.5 * (ws_elev - zmin) * xy # calculate wetted perimeter _da = ((ws_elev - zmin)/(zmax - zmin)) * xy _db = ws_elev - zmin wp_vec[idx] = np.sqrt(_da**2.0 + _db**2.0) elif loc == 'trapezoid': zmin = zmin_by_segment[idx] zmax = zmax_by_segment[idx] xy = xydist[idx] area_vec[idx] = 0.5 * xy * (2*ws_elev - zmax - zmin) wp_vec[idx] = np.sqrt(xy**2.0 + (zmax - zmin)**2.0) area_sum = sum(area_vec) wp_sum = sum(wp_vec) n_inv = (1.0/streambed_roughness) Q = n_inv * area_sum * (pow((area_sum/wp_sum), 2/3.0)) * np.sqrt(slope) return Q def _get_ws_location(water_surface_elev, zmax, zmin): """ Return one of three values depending on the location of the water surface relative to the elevations of the discretized cross-section points. Vectorized below. Returns: (str) one of the following: 'below' if above zmax (and automatically zmin), 'triangle' if between zmax and zmin, and 'trapezoid' if below zmin. This corresponds to the geometry that will be used to calculate the wetted perimeter and area of the induced polygon. """ if water_surface_elev > zmax: return 'trapezoid' elif water_surface_elev <= zmax and water_surface_elev > zmin: return 'triangle' else: return 'below' class BoundaryCondition: def __init__(self, period=0.0, # (minutes) amplitude=0.0, # (ISO) phase=0.0): # (deg) self.period = period self.amplitude = amplitude self.phase = phase def write(self, out_path): with open(out_path, 'w') as f: f.write(self.__repr__()) def __repr__(self): return '\n'.join([ '* COLUMN=3', '* COLUMN1=Period (min) or Astronomical Componentname', '* COLUMN2=Amplitude (ISO)', '* COLUMN3=Phase (deg)', '{0} {1} {2}'.format(self.period, self.amplitude, self.phase) ]) def mr_log(log_f, msg): ta = time.asctime log_f.write('[{0}] '.format(ta()) + msg) log_f.flush() os.fsync(log_f.fileno())
[docs]def modelrun_series(data_dir, initial_vegetation_map, vegzone_map, veg_roughness_shearres_lookup, peak_flows_file, geometry_file, streambed_roughness, streambed_floodplain_roughness, streambed_slope, dflow_run_fun=None, log_f=None, debug=False): ''' Run a series of flow and succession models with peak flows given in peak_flows_file. Arguments: data_dir (str): write directory for modelrun series. Must exist initial_vegetation_map (str): location of year zero veg map vegzone_map (str): vegetation zone map location veg_roughness_shearres_lookup (str): Excel spreadsheet containing conversion from vegetation code to roughness value and vegetation code to shear stress resistance peak_flow_file (str): location of text file record of peak flows in cubic meters per second geometry_file (str): location of channel geometry at the downstream location for calculating streamflow streambed_roughness (float): streambed roughness in channel only; used when converting vegetation map to roughness map streambed_floodplain_roughness (float): an average roughness of stream channel and floodplain used in calculation of downstream boundary condition for DFLOW streambed_slope (float): rise over run of the channel used in calculation of downstream boundary condition for DFLOW dflow_run_fun (function): function delegate for the user to provide a custom way to run DFLOW. If none is given, defaults to submitting a PBS job as is done on CARC systems log_f (str): log file. if none is given, defaults to `data_dir`.log with dashes replacing slashes debug (bool): whether or not to run in debug mode. If running in debug mode, each DFLOW run returns fake data and each RipCAS run takes cord/data/shear_out.asc as input returns: None ''' if dflow_run_fun is None: def dflow_fun(): import subprocess return subprocess.Popen( 'qsub dflow_mpi.pbs', shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE ) if log_f is None: first_char = data_dir[0] root_log_f = first_char if first_char != '/' else '' root_log_f += data_dir[1:].replace('/', '-') log_f = open(root_log_f + '.log', 'w') else: log_f = open(log_f, 'w') with open(peak_flows_file, 'r') as f: l0 = f.readline().strip() assert l0 == 'Peak.Flood', '{} not Peak.Flood'.format(l0) peak_flows = [float(l.strip()) for l in f.readlines()] inputs_dir = os.path.join(data_dir, 'inputs') if os.path.isdir(inputs_dir): shutil.rmtree(inputs_dir) os.mkdir(inputs_dir) shutil.copy(initial_vegetation_map, inputs_dir) shutil.copy(vegzone_map, inputs_dir) shutil.copy(veg_roughness_shearres_lookup, inputs_dir) shutil.copy(peak_flows_file, inputs_dir) shutil.copy(geometry_file, inputs_dir) roughness_slope_path = os.path.join(inputs_dir, 'roughness_slope.txt') with open(roughness_slope_path, 'w') as f: f.write('roughness\tslope\n') f.write('%s\t%s\n' % (streambed_roughness, streambed_slope)) for flow_idx, flow in enumerate(peak_flows): mr = ModelRun() mr.calculate_bc( flow, geometry_file, streambed_floodplain_roughness, streambed_slope ) mr_log( log_f, 'Boundary conditions for flow index {0} finished\n'.format( flow_idx ) ) dflow_dir = os.path.join(data_dir, 'dflow-' + str(flow_idx)) if flow_idx == 0: veg_file = initial_vegetation_map else: veg_file = os.path.join( data_dir, 'ripcas-' + str(flow_idx - 1), 'vegetation.asc' ) if debug: mr.run_dflow(dflow_dir, veg_file, veg_roughness_shearres_lookup, streambed_roughness) job_id = 'debug' else: p_ref = mr.run_dflow(dflow_dir, veg_file, veg_roughness_shearres_lookup, streambed_roughness, dflow_run_fun=dflow_fun) job_id = p_ref.communicate()[0].split('.')[0] mr_log(log_f, 'Job ID {0} submitted for DFLOW run {1}\n'.format( job_id, flow_idx ) ) # check the status of the job by querying qstat; break loop when # job no longer exists, giving nonzero poll() value job_not_finished = True while job_not_finished: mr_log( log_f, 'Job ID {0} not yet finished for DFLOW run {1}\n'.format( job_id, flow_idx ) ) if debug: job_not_finished = False else: p = subprocess.Popen( 'qstat ' + job_id, shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE ) p.communicate() poll = p.poll() job_not_finished = poll == 0 time.sleep(600) mr_log( log_f, 'DFLOW run {0} finished, starting RipCAS\n'.format( flow_idx ) ) ripcas_dir = os.path.join(data_dir, 'ripcas-' + str(flow_idx)) if debug: p = _join_data_dir('shear_out.asc') mr.run_ripcas(vegzone_map, veg_roughness_shearres_lookup, ripcas_dir, shear_asc=ESRIAsc(p)) mr_log(log_f, 'RipCAS run {0} finished\n'.format(flow_idx)) log_f.close()
if __name__ == '__main__': import sys help_msg = ''' Author: Matthew Turner Usage: python ripcas_dflow/ data_dir initial_vegetation vegzone_map veg_roughness_shearres_lookup\ peak_flows_file geometry_file streambed_roughness streambed_slope data_dir: directory to hold each time step of the model run initial_vegetation: .asc file with initial vegetation map vegzone_map: .asc file with vegetation zone information veg_roughness_shearres_lookup: .xlsx file with veg type-to-n and shear resistance-per-veg type information peak_flows_file: file with a column of peak flood flow in cubic meters per second geometry_file: xyz file representing geometry of downstream cross section for boundary conditions calculation streambed_roughness: floating point number for the roughness value of the streambed streambed_slope: floating point number for the slope of the stream geography ''' if sys.argv[1] == '-h' or sys.argv[1] == '--help': print help_msg sys.exit(0) if len(sys.argv) != 9: print help_msg sys.exit(1) data_dir = sys.argv[1] initial_vegetation_map = sys.argv[2] vegzone_map = sys.argv[3] veg_roughness_shearres_lookup = sys.argv[4] peak_flows_file = sys.argv[5] geometry_file = sys.argv[6] streambed_roughness = float(sys.argv[7]) streambed_slope = float(sys.argv[8]) modelrun_series(data_dir, initial_vegetation_map, vegzone_map, veg_roughness_shearres_lookup, peak_flows_file, geometry_file, streambed_roughness, streambed_slope, dflow_run_fun=None, log_f=None) def _join_data_dir(f): ''' Join the filename, f, to the default data directory ''' data_dir = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'data') return os.path.join(data_dir, f)