Source code for cord.ripcas_dflow

Utilities for interacting with dflow and ripcas models

    Matthew A. Turner <>

    9 May 2016
import copy
import six

from netCDF4 import Dataset
from numpy import (array, concatenate, fromstring, meshgrid,
                   reshape, flipud, isnan)
from scipy.interpolate import griddata
from pandas import read_table, read_excel, Series

[docs]def ripcas_with_dflow_io(vegetation_map, zone_map, streambed_roughness, shear_nc_path, ripcas_required_data): """ Wrapper for using DFLOW input/output with ripcas. Note instead of shear_map we have shear_nc_path. Use shear_mesh_to_asc to convert the shear_mesh that comes from D-FLOW to a shear_map for input to ripcas. When ripcas finishes its vegetation updates, convert the updated vegetation map to a Manning n-value map for use by DFLOW. See the ripcas function below for more details on the model and arguments. Arguments: vegetation_map (ESRIAsc): location on disk or ESRIAsc representation of the vegetation map zone_map (ESRIAsc): location on disk or ESRIAsc representation of the zone map. shear_nc_path (str): location on disk of DFLOW shear output netCDF ripcas_required_data (str): Excel spreadsheet of data needed for ripcas run. Encompasses the landscape model for the watershed. Can have one or two 'Code' columns and must have exactly one 'shear_resis' column and exactly one 'n_val' column Returns: (Pol): polygon representation of the map of nvalues """ if not isinstance(vegetation_map, ESRIAsc): raise TypeError('vegetation_map must be an ESRIAsc instance') if not isinstance(zone_map, ESRIAsc): raise TypeError('vegetation_map must be an ESRIAsc instance') shear_map = shear_mesh_to_asc(shear_nc_path, vegetation_map.header_dict()) return Pol.from_ascii( veg2n( ripcas( vegetation_map, zone_map, shear_map, ripcas_required_data ), ripcas_required_data, streambed_roughness ) )
[docs]def ripcas(vegetation_map, zone_map, shear_map, ripcas_required_data): """ Simple version of the CASiMiR model for vegetation succession. Before the model is run, we check that all the unique values from vegetation_map are present in the shear_resistance_dict. Otherwise the process will fail wherever the vegetation map value is not present in the dictionary on lookup. Arguments: vegetation_map (str or ESRIAsc): location on disk or ESRIAsc representation of the vegetation map zone_map (str or ESRIAsc): location on disk or ESRIAsc representation of the zone map. shear_map (str or ESRIAsc): location on disk or ESRIAsc representation of the shear stress map ripcas_required_data (str): Excel spreadsheet of data needed for ripcas run. Encompasses the landscape model for the watershed. Can have one or two 'Code' columns and must have exactly one 'shear_resis' column and exactly one 'n_val' column Returns: (ESRIAsc) vegetation map updated with new values corresponding to succession rules """ if isinstance(vegetation_map, six.string_types): vegetation_map = ESRIAsc(vegetation_map) elif not isinstance(vegetation_map, ESRIAsc): raise TypeError('vegetation_map must be type str or ESRIAsc') if isinstance(shear_map, six.string_types): shear_map = ESRIAsc(shear_map) elif not isinstance(shear_map, ESRIAsc): raise TypeError('shear_map must be type str or ESRIAsc') if isinstance(zone_map, six.string_types): zone_map = ESRIAsc(zone_map) elif not isinstance(zone_map, ESRIAsc): raise TypeError('zone_map must be type str of ESRIAsc, not ' + str(type(zone_map))) if isinstance(ripcas_required_data, six.string_types): cas_df = read_excel(ripcas_required_data) # sanity check to make sure our lookup is correct assert 'Code.1' in cas_df # TODO generalize later assert 'shear_resis' in cas_df shear_resistance_dict = dict( zip(cas_df['Code.1'], cas_df['shear_resis']) ) else: raise TypeError('shear_resistance_dict must be type str') # init the vegetation map that will be returned ret_veg_map = copy.deepcopy(vegetation_map) for idx in range(len( # determine whether or not the vegetation should be reset to age zero veg_val = int([idx]) if veg_val != 0: is_not_nodata = ([idx] != shear_map.NODATA_value and[idx] != vegetation_map.NODATA_value and[idx] > 0 ) veg_needs_reset = ( is_not_nodata and[idx] > shear_resistance_dict[veg_val] ) if veg_needs_reset: # reset vegetation to age zero with veg type appropriate to zone[idx] =[idx] # whether or not the vegetation was destroyed, age by one if is_not_nodata:[idx] += 1 return ret_veg_map
[docs]def shear_mesh_to_asc(shear_nc_path, header_dict): """ Extract flow element values and locations from the dflow output netcdf and project these onto the grid defined by the corner of the grid defined by the lower-left corner of the bounding box and the cell size. The results are saved in ESRI .asc format to asc_out_path. Arguments: shear_nc_path (str): location of the dflow netcdf on disk header_dict (dict): dictionary with six fields as required to build ESRIAsc; NODATA_value, cellsize, ncols, nrows, yllcorner, xllcorner Returns: (ESRIAsc) representation of gridded representation of the mesh shear stress data output from dflow """ dflow_ds = Dataset(shear_nc_path, 'r') # the mesh locations are the x and y centers of the Flow (Finite) Elements mesh_x = dflow_ds.variables['FlowElem_xcc'][:] mesh_y = dflow_ds.variables['FlowElem_ycc'][:] mesh_shear = dflow_ds.variables['taus'][-1] # take the last timestep cellsize = header_dict['cellsize'] x = array([header_dict['xllcorner'] + (i*cellsize) for i in range(header_dict['ncols'])]) y = array([header_dict['yllcorner'] + (i*cellsize) for i in range(header_dict['nrows'])]) grid_x, grid_y = meshgrid(x, y) # use linear interp so we don't have to install natgrid asc_mat = griddata((mesh_x, mesh_y), mesh_shear, (grid_x, grid_y)) # not sure why, but this makes it align with the original vegetation map asc_mat = flipud(asc_mat) data = reshape(asc_mat, (header_dict['ncols'] * header_dict['nrows'])) data[isnan(data)] = int(header_dict['NODATA_value']) return ESRIAsc(data=Series(data), **header_dict)
[docs]def veg2n(veg_map, ripcas_required_data, streambed_roughness): """ Creat an ESRIAsc representation of an ESRI .asc file that contains roughness values substituted for vegetation codes. The translation is found in the Excel file found at lookup_path. Arguments: veg_map (ESRIAsc): path to ESRI .asc file with vegetation codes ripcas_required_data (str): path to Excel file with vegetation codes mapped to Manning's roughness n-values. The Excel file must have four columns with headers Code shear_resis Code n_val on the first sheet. streambed_roughness (float): Manning's roughness value for the streambed itself, which is represented with zeros in the veg map Raises: (ValueError) if there is a vegetation code in the .asc that is not found in the lookup table Returns: (ESRIAsc) ESRI .asc map of Manning's n-values in place of veg codes """ assert isinstance(veg_map, ESRIAsc), \ "veg_map must be an instance of ESRIAsc" cas_df = read_excel(ripcas_required_data) veg2n_dict = dict( zip(cas_df['Code.1'], cas_df['n_val']) ) # add streambed_roughness replacement value veg2n_dict.update({0: streambed_roughness}) ret = copy.deepcopy(veg_map) = return ret
class ESRIAsc: def __init__(self, file_path=None, ncols=None, nrows=None, xllcorner=None, yllcorner=None, cellsize=1, NODATA_value=-9999, data=None): self.file_path = file_path self.ncols = ncols self.nrows = nrows self.xllcorner = xllcorner self.yllcorner = yllcorner self.cellsize = cellsize self.NODATA_value = NODATA_value if data is not None and not isinstance(data, Series): raise RuntimeError('data value must be type pandas.Series') = data # if a file is provided, the file metadata will overwrite any # user-provided kwargs if file_path: def getnextval(f): return f.readline().strip().split()[1] f = open(file_path, 'r') self.ncols = int(getnextval(f)) self.nrows = int(getnextval(f)) self.xllcorner = float(getnextval(f)) self.yllcorner = float(getnextval(f)) self.cellsize = int(getnextval(f)) self.NODATA_value = float(getnextval(f)) # should not be necessary for well-formed ESRI files, but # seems to be for CASiMiR data_str = ' '.join([l.strip() for l in f.readlines()]) = Series(fromstring(data_str, dtype=float, sep=' ')) colrow_prod = self.nrows*self.ncols assert len( == colrow_prod, \ "length of .asc data does not equal product of ncols * nrows" \ "\nncols: {}, nrows: {}, ncols*nrows: {} len(data): {}".format( self.ncols, self.nrows, colrow_prod, len( def header_dict(self): return dict(ncols=self.ncols, nrows=self.nrows, xllcorner=self.xllcorner, yllcorner=self.yllcorner, cellsize=self.cellsize, NODATA_value=self.NODATA_value) def as_matrix(self, replace_nodata_val=None): """ Convenience method to give 2D numpy.ndarray representation. If replace_nodata_val is given, replace all NODATA_value entries with it. Arguments: replace_nodata_val (float): value with which to replace NODATA_value entries Returns: (numpy.ndarray) matrix representation of the data in the .asc """ ret = copy.copy(reshape(, (self.nrows, self.ncols))) if replace_nodata_val is not None: ret[ret == self.NODATA_value] = replace_nodata_val return ret def write(self, write_path): # replace nan with NODATA_value = with open(write_path, 'w+') as f: f.write("ncols {}\n".format(self.ncols)) f.write("nrows {}\n".format(self.nrows)) f.write("xllcorner {}\n".format(self.xllcorner)) f.write("yllcorner {}\n".format(self.yllcorner)) f.write("cellsize {}\n".format(self.cellsize)) f.write("NODATA_value {}\n".format(self.NODATA_value)) # prob not most efficient, but CASiMiR requires # ESRI Ascii w/ newlines f.write( '\n'.join( [ ' '.join([str(v) for v in row]) for row in self.as_matrix() ] ) ) def __eq__(self, other): if isinstance(other, ESRIAsc): ret = self.ncols == other.ncols ret = self.nrows == other.nrows and ret ret = self.xllcorner == other.xllcorner and ret ret = self.yllcorner == other.yllcorner and ret ret = self.cellsize == other.cellsize and ret ret = self.NODATA_value == other.NODATA_value and ret ret = all( == and ret return ret return NotImplemented
[docs]class Pol: """ Wrapper creating and/or reading the .pol files of n-values for DFLOW """ df = None x = None y = None n = None @classmethod def from_dflow_file(cls, pol_path=None): c = cls() if pol_path is not None: c.df = read_table( pol_path, skiprows=2, skipinitialspace=True, sep=' ', header=None, names=['x', 'y', 'z'], engine='python' ) c.x = array(c.df.x) c.y = array(c.df.y) c.z = array(c.df.z) return c @classmethod
[docs] def from_ascii(cls, asc): """ Generate a polygon file from ESRIAsc """ assert isinstance(asc, ESRIAsc), "asc input must be ESRIAsc" c = cls() grid = meshgrid( array( [asc.xllcorner + asc.cellsize*i for i in range(asc.ncols)] ), array( [asc.yllcorner + asc.cellsize*i for i in range(asc.nrows)] ) ) c.x = concatenate(grid[0]) c.y = concatenate(grid[1]) c.z = array( return c
@classmethod def from_river_geometry_file(cls, geom_file): c = cls() df = read_table(geom_file, sep='\s+', engine='python') c.df = df c.x = array(df.X) c.y = array(df.Y) c.z = array(df.Z) return c
[docs] def write(self, out_path): """ write the Pol to file Returns: None """ if self.x is not None and self.y is not None and self.z is not None: assert len(self.x) == len(self.y) and len(self.y) == len(self.z), \ "Lengths of columns is not equal!" with open(out_path, 'w') as f: f.write('L1\n') # weird, but apparently what DFLOW requires f.write(' '*4 + str(len(self.x)) + ' '*5 + '3\n') lines = ( ' '*3 + (' '*3).join(["{:1.7e}".format(val) for val in el]) for el in zip(self.x, self.y, self.z) ) for l in lines: f.write(l + '\n') else: raise Exception("Trying to write an incomplete polygon file")
def __eq__(self, other): if isinstance(other, Pol): ret = all(self.x == other.x) ret = all(ret and self.y == other.y) ret = all(ret and self.z == other.z) return ret return NotImplemented
if __name__ == '__main__': help_msg = ''' dflow_ripcas v1.0 - Matthew Turner <> Usage: python jemez/ <path-to-shear-nc> <path-to-save-output-vegmap> Example: $ python jemez/ ~/local_data/dflow_outputs/ ~/local_data/ripcas_out/veg-out-1.asc ''' import sys try: shear_nc = sys.argv[1] vegout_path = sys.argv[2] if shear_nc == '-h': print help_msg sys.exit(0) except: print help_msg sys.exit(1) vegetation_map = ESRIAsc('data/vegclass_2z.asc') zone_map = ESRIAsc('data/zonemap_2z.asc') ripcas_data = 'data/ripcas-data-requirements.xlsx' vegout = ripcas_with_dflow_io( vegetation_map, zone_map, shear_nc, ripcas_data ) vegout.write(vegout_path)